Academic advising is a critical part of your college career. Taking the wrong classes can significantly put you off track, which can cost you time and money. To improve your success, we have implemented the Comprehensive Advising Process that provides extra support during that critical first semester. Here is how it works: As a new student, you are assigned an advisor. Prior to the beginning of every semester, you should meet with your advisor to plan your course schedule. Faculty advisors are very helpful in advising you about your schedule, particularly in helping you choose courses that are offered only one time each year. Advisors post office hours outside their offices each semester; it is helpful to make an appointment, especially if you cannot meet during the posted hours. You can also use email and the telephone to stay in contact with your advisor. If you decide to register without meeting with your advisor, you have decided to take full responsibility for choosing courses, which could result in academic and financial liabilities. You should monitor your progress through Degree Works in myCCTC.